SI Leader Lab is a fully funded leadership programme for 100 influential civil society leaders from 13 countries in Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Türkiye. Representatives of Swedish civil society organisations can apply as a strategic partner.
The programme is an opportunity for participants to grow as leaders and develop their organisations’ advocacy work. It’s also an opportunity to exchange experiences, form new connections and to try out innovative tools and methods with peers. The programme will combine online workshops in both regional and cross-regional learning groups with regular coaching support. In May, all 100 participants will come together to deepen the exchange and collaboration during an intensive learning week onsite in Stockholm, Sweden.
More information and submission of application:
We are looking for civil society leaders, cultural and media actors who are working for democracy, humans rights and freedom of expression. Candidates should be between 22 and 45 years old and have a good command of English. Programme countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine. Swedish citizens working in a civil society organisation can apply as a strategic partner.
We ask for your kind assistance to share this information in relevant circles! Here are some links and attached you find a flyer and a one pager.
Facebook: SI Leadership Programmes
Linkedin: SI Leadership Programmes
Instagram: sileadershipprogrammes